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The EU NIS Directive

What is the NIS Directive?

The EU’s NIS Directive (Directive on security of network and information systems) is the first piece of EU-wide cybersecurity legislation. It aims to achieve a standard level of network and information system security across the EU’s critical infrastructure.

Who must comply with the NIS Directive?

The Directive applies to:

  • OES (operators of essential services), including energy, transport, banking, financial, health, distribution, and digital infrastructure sectors. However, note that the exact sectors can differ per member state. For instance, banking and financial market infrastructures are exempt in the UK.
  • DSPs (digital service providers) which are divided into three groups: online search engines, online marketplaces, and Cloud computing services.

Most DSPs need to comply, as their services are likely to be used across borders – there is, after all, no need for a physical presence.

Those not headquartered in the EU need to designate, in writing, a representative in the EU, so that it can fall under the jurisdiction of that member state.

Most US-based OES are potentially out of scope, but any EU-based subsidiaries need to comply.

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Get in touch with one of our experts for more information about NIS compliance, and the products and service we can offer to assist your compliance journey. 

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Consequences for non-compliance with the NIS Directive

The Network and Information Security directive was transposed into member states’ national laws by May 9, 2018, and enforced from May 10, 2018. Not every member state has (fully) implemented the Directive. Even so, DSPs must comply.

As mentioned, because of their digital nature, their services will be used across borders and throughout the EU.

As such, complaints could be launched to the supervisory authority in those member states, which may take action against the non-compliant organization.

Such action could include handing out fines. The Directive says that these must be “effective, proportionate and dissuasive,” but the exact figures vary per member state.

For example, the UK may fine non-compliant organizations up to £17 million (about $22 million).

What are the NIS Directives’ requirements for OES and DSPs?

OES and DSPs must:

  • Secure their network and information systems by taking technical and organizational measures appropriate to the risk
  • Ensure service continuity by taking proper steps to prevent and minimize the impact of any incidents
  • Notify their regulator of any security incident that has a significant impact

An Implementing Regulation, which took effect on May 10, 2018, provides further clarity for DSPs on how they are expected to comply with the NIS Directive.

This EU-wide implementing regulation has the same weight as a local law. As such, DSPs need to comply, irrespective of which member state they register with and even though not every member state has enforced the Directive locally yet.

ENISA (European Union Agency for Network and Information Security) has provided “Technical Guidelines for the implementation of minimum security measures for Digital Service Providers,” which describes 27 security objectives.

Incident reporting measures under the NIS Regulations

Comparable to breaches under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), organizations must report “significant” or “substantial” incidents to their competent authority without undue delay and, where feasible, no later than 72 hours after having become aware of them.

Audits under the NIS Directive

OES’ compliance with the NIS Directive will be monitored through audits conducted by the designated competent authorities.

As DSPs typically face a lower level of risk than OES, they also have lighter security requirements. In line with this, they will not be audited regularly. Still, they will be subject to investigations if the competent authority suspects non-compliance – most notably, after an incident.

The lack of immediate supervision could result in DSPs forgetting to keep or even generate evidence that they do comply, stressing the importance of achieving and maintaining compliance and ensuring you can prove it. The lighter requirements do not imply lighter penalties.

How to achieve compliance with the NIS Directive

An excellent approach for OES and DSPs to achieve compliance is to implement a cyber resilience program that incorporates:

  • Robust cybersecurity defenses that are appropriate to the risk
  • Appropriate tools and systems for dealing with and reporting incidents efficiently.

International standards such as ISO 27001 and ISO 27035 serve as ideal frameworks for achieving NIS Directive compliance. Section 12 of the Directive says that the measures DSPs adopt must take “compliance with international standards” into account.

Implementing business continuity managementpenetration testing, and cyber incident response management can help organizations achieve a heightened level of cyber resilience and help facilitate compliance with the NIS Directive.

How IT Governance can help you comply with the NIS Regulations

  • We can deliver everything you need for compliance, including consultancy, books, and tools.
  • Our unique combination of technical expertise and solid track record in international management system standards means we can deliver a complete solution for NIS Directive compliance and manage the project from start to finish.
  • We work with organizations in all industries and have managed hundreds of projects around the world
  • We’re independent of vendors and certification bodies and encourage our clients to select the best fit for their needs and objectives
  • We have multi-disciplinary teams that can undertake rigorous penetration testing of your networks and systems, project managers to roll out compliance implementation projects, and executive expertise to brief your board and develop a suitable risk mitigation strategy.
  • We deliver practical advice and work according to your budget and business needs. No organization or project is ever too big or small.
  • We offer clear and transparent pricing
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Oct 22