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Assessing Information Security: Strategies, Tactics, Logic and Framework

Assessing Information Security - Strategies, Tactics, Logic and Framework, 2nd Edition

SKU: 2827
Authors: Dr. Andrew Vladimirov
Publishers: IT Governance Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781849286008
Pages: 424
Published: 29 Jan 2015
Availability: Always Available
Format: ePub
ISBN13: 9781849286015
Pages: 424
Published: 29 Jan 2015
Availability: Always Available
  • Shows how to use principles of military strategy to defend against cyber attacks, enabling organizations to have a more structured response to malicious intrusions
  • Explains the priorities for robust cybersecurity , helping readers to decide which security measures will be the most effective
  • Buy today and discover how to integrate cybersecurity into your organization’s normal operations.

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Price: $49.99

Build a strategic response to cyber attacks

The activities of the cyber criminal are both deliberate and hostile, and they can be compared to military operations.

Many people in business understand that the insights from the classics of military strategy are as relevant to modern commerce as they are to war.

It is clear that organizations need to develop a view of cybersecurity that goes beyond technology: all staff in the organization have a role to play, and it is the senior managers who must ensure, like generals marshaling their forces, that all staff know the cybersecurity policies that explain what to do when under attack.

Cybercrime… cyber war?

With this in mind, the authors have drawn on the work of Clausewitz and Sun Tzu and applied it to the understanding of information security that they have built up through their extensive experience in the field. The result is expert guidance on information security, underpinned by a profound understanding of human conflict.

Building on the success of the first edition, this new edition covers the most recent developments in the threat landscape and the best-practice advice available in the latest version of ISO 27001:2103.


  1. Information Security Auditing and Strategy
  2. Security Auditing, Governance, Policies, and Compliance
  3. Security Assessments Classification
  4. Advanced Pre-Assessment Planning
  5. Security Audit Strategies and Tactics
  6. Synthetic Evaluation of Risks
  7. Presenting the Outcome and Follow-Up Acts
  8. Reviewing Security Assessment Failures and Auditor Management Strategies 
About the author

About the authors 

Dr. Andrew Vladimirov is a security researcher. His fields of expertise include network security and applied cryptography, and he has extensive experience of performing information security assessments. He and his fellow authors are the founders of Arhont Ltd, a leading information security consultancy.

Konstantin Gavrilenko has over 15 years of experience in IT and security. As a researcher, information security is his specialty, and he has a particular interest in wireless security. He holds a BSc in management science from De Montfort University and an MSc in management from Lancaster University.

Andriej Michajlowski is an expert on network security. His research interests include user and device authentication mechanisms and wireless networking security. He has extensive experience carrying out internal and external information security assessments. He is a graduate of the University of Kent at Canterbury and he holds an MBA.

Customer reviews

(4.00)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 12/10/2015, said:
4 stars out of 5
Gives you new practical perspective and new way how to think about infosec, many views nicely packed in one book.
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