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GDPR contract and legal services

GDPR contract and legal services

SKU: 5006
Format: Consultancy
Published: 25 Jul 2018

Get professional legal and compliance support to ensure your data protection documentation and commercial agreements conform to the GDPR and other privacy regulations. Our specialist legal and privacy team will help you draft, review and update privacy notices, data protection policies, supplier contracts, and international data transfer agreements.

This service is provided by IT Governance’s sister company GRCI Law Limited, a specialist in data privacy, cybersecurity, and legal and compliance advisory services.




GDPR contract and legal services

Reviewing and updating data protection documentation and commercial agreements to align with the EU GDPR can be significant, time consuming and legally complex.

You will need to:

  • Increase the amount of information you need to include in your privacy notices. The notices must also be clear, concise and intelligible
  • Review and update your privacy, data retention and information security policies. In some cases, you may need to create new policies
  • Update or include new data protection clauses in your contracts with suppliers, customers and employees
  • Ensure where you transfer personal data outside the EEA, the appropriate legal provisions are in place, such as model contract clauses

The service covers:

This service will provide you with legal and compliance support to ensure your documentation and commercial agreements comply with the GDPR, covering:

Privacy notice and policies
Review, comment, and update privacy notice and privacy policy in alignment with the GDPR (up to 20 pages)
Draft a new privacy notice and policy in alignment with the GDPR (up to 20 pages)
HR documentation
Review and update staff handbook in alignment with the GDPR (up to 20 pages)
Commercial contracts
Draft a new data processor contract in alignment with the GDPR
Review, comment on, and update data processor contract alignment with the GDPR
International data transfers
Review, update, and comment on EU model clauses and binding corporate rules (BCRs) in alignment with the GDPR
Draft new EU model clauses and BCRs in alignment with the GDPR
Manage binding corporate rules (BCRs) registrations with supervisory authorities

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