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ISO27001 (2013) Book set - Two books on ISO 27001 (2013)

ISO27001 (2013) Book set - Two books on ISO 27001 (2013)

SKU: 212
Authors: Alan Calder
Publishers: ITGP
Format: Softcover bundle
Pages: 224
Published: 08 Nov 2013
Availability: In stock

Together, these two books explain why ISO 27001 is good for your business and how to manage 27001 certification for the greatest chance of success.

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Regular Price: $75.90
On Sale For: $67.95

Buy both of these essential first guides to the benefits and practice of ISO 27001 and save 10%

The Case for ISO 27001:2103 presents the persuasive business case for ISO 27001 certification, while Nine Steps to Success takes readers new to the standard through the process of certification from scratch.

Together, these books explain the "what," the "why," and the "how" of ISO 27001 certification, while cutting through the jargon and myths that often surround the issue and make it unnecessarily complicated. The books clearly demonstrate why ISO 27001 is not merely an issue for the IT department but something that senior managers and directors should be closely involved in if they are serious about protecting their organizations' information.

About the author

Alan Calder, the founder and executive chairman of IT Governance Ltd, is an internationally acknowledged cyber security expert, and a leading author on information security and IT governance issues. He co-wrote the definitive compliance guide IT Governance: An International Guide to Data Security and ISO27001/ISO27002, which is the basis for the Open University’s postgraduate course on information security, and has been involved in the development of a wide range of information security management training courses that have been accredited by the International Board for IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ). Alan has consulted on data security for numerous clients in the UK and abroad, and is a regular media commentator and speaker.

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