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Running IT like a Business: Accenture's Step-by-Step Guide

Running IT like a Business - A step-by-step guide to Accenture's internal IT

SKU: 3559
Authors: Robert E Kress
Publishers: IT Governance Publishing
Format: PDF
ISBN13: 9781849283571
Pages: 144
Published: 22 Mar 2012
Availability: Always Available
Format: ePub
ISBN13: 9781849283588
Pages: 144
Published: 22 Mar 2012
Availability: Always Available
  • Shows how Accenture doubled their revenues while reducing the costs of their IT function, and how the ideas can help your organization.
  • A real-life IT Transformation case study, giving readers an insight into Accenture’s success and essential "tricks of the trade."
  • Buy now and discover how you can take Accenture’s approach and apply it to your organization.

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Price: $37.99

Learn the secrets of an award-winning IT function

Global management, technology, and outsourcing company Accenture has achieved incredible results through the transformation of its IT function. It has doubled its revenues in ten years and significantly decreased its IT spending despite an increase in workforce of nearly 300%, and its number of satisfied customers is growing and growing. This book explains how they achieved this and lets you in on Accenture’s secrets to its award-winning way of running IT like a business, including the seven key elements of its IT strategy.

Product overview

Running IT like a Business will show you how your IT function can provide much more than products and services, and how to add real value to your business. With clear strategies, helpful diagrams and real-life examples, this book will give you the keys to unlocking your IT function’s hidden potential.

It will show you how your IT function can:

  • Use the latest technology developments to help your organization to do things better and faster—and with improved cost management.
  • Take advantage of communication and collaboration technologies for greater synergy and higher productivity.
  • Identify and analyze business risks and apply measures to reduce them.
  • Implement technologies to diversify and grow your business.
  • Develop vital communication skills and techniques to facilitate the change process.
  • Realize cost savings across the organisation.


  1. IT Strategy and Governance
  2. Crafting a Menu of Managed Services
  3. Tracking IT Performance
  4. Creating Value across the Enterprise
  5. Tricks of the Trade for Running IT like a Business
  6. Toward High-performance IT
  7. Accenture’s IT Journey
About the author

Robert E. Kress

Robert E. Kress is the COO of Accenture’s high-performance information technology organisation, which supports and advances the business goals of a $22 billion company with more than 215,000 employees in 52 countries. He has overall responsibility for running IT like a business within the company, including the direct management of IT governance, strategy, planning, risk management, audits, and IT policy.

Customer reviews

(4.50)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 2
1. on 11/4/2015, said:
5 stars out of 5
Very comprehensive and informative. A unique way to look at IT management. Very innovative and ground breaking, this is an excellent book.
2. on 10/28/2014, said:
4 stars out of 5
[An] excellent case study of a successful IT transformation… I wish more CIOs would describe their experiences in this way, so we can learn from them.
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